We must become the change we want to see.
On their own, Soaring Mountain workshops represent a powerhouse of
information designed specifically for the high tech support organization:
information you can actually use in your day-to-day business and
delivered in a way that you and your employees can understand and see the value
right away.
Combined with follow-up coaching, you'll be assured of long-term gains, more effectively applying the ideas and strategies introduced during training. Real Results
By special request...Some of my clients have expressed an interest in having these workshops presented to private, non-corporate groups. I can think of no better way of taking responsibility for your own development than to make salon-style workshops available to you. So go ahead, decide on a group of friends, co-workers, peers from other organizations, or whatever other cohort that supports your needs. Contact me and together, we'll design a salon-style workshop around your interests and budget considerations. Available WorkshopsThe list of available workshops is subject to change. Additional workshops can be created and various topics can be merged or adapted to meet specific business needs. If you don't see what you want listed here, please ask; I am always developing new material on behalf of my clients. Goal Setting Using the GRIP Model Introduction to Coaching Concepts
Coaching Skills for Support Professionals
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